writer, graphic designer, organizer, instructor.

J. D. Tabor


Bio: Jasmine Tabor is a writer from the deep south. She is a graduate Mellon Mays Fellow and Edith A. Hambie Poetry Prize Recipient of Spelman College C'21 and a graduate of  Syracuse University from the poetry MFA C’24. Works appear in/on Poets.org, Michigan Literary Review, Agnes Scott Literary Journal, among others. She was nominated for a Best of the Net award in 2021. Her chapbook “Mirror Myths” was accepted for publication by Bottlecap Press in 2024. Aside from writing, she co-led Salt Hill as editor-in-chief for 2022. She was a Stove Works resident, Meacham fellow for fall 2023, and Vermont Studio Resident as of Summer 2024.

Some Almosts: She was selected as a semi-finalist for the Cato fellowship 2024, Small Harbor Publishing's Marginalia Series 2024, Lighthouse Works fellowship 2024, and the Texas Press Review's Robert Phillips Poetry Chapbook Prize 2024; and a finalist for the Agnes Scott’s College Poetry Contest poetry contest in 2020.

Projects: In May 2024, she wrote and designed “An Ode to the Mirror,” a limited edition chapbook with Bruce Smith.

Presently: She currently lives in Charleston, SC revising her first manuscript and working on her second.

updated 11.09.2024

graphic design projects

  1. reading partners collateral (October 2024 - present) 
  2. limited edition showcase zine for breedlove and marigold readers literacy group (2024)
  3. JESSAMINE for carolina youth action project (2022)


  1. a chronicle of hunger“ in passengers journal (2024)
  2. being called names, a kind-of sonnet“ in spoken black girl magazine (2024)
  3. black things, a series“ in michigan quarterly review (2024)
  4. “the altar mirror” in aunt chloe as the edith a. hambie poetry prize winner (2021)
  5. “when he dies” in abolition feminism (2021)
  6. “me, at my first funeral” in agnes scott writers’ festival magazine (2019)
  7. “IIIIIII” for carolina youth action project’s teen showcase (2017)