writer, graphic designer, organizer, instructor.
Bio: Jasmine Tabor is a writer from the deep south. She is a graduate Mellon Mays Fellow and Edith A. Hambie Poetry Prize Recipient of Spelman College C'21 and a graduate of Syracuse University from the poetry MFA C’24. Works appear in/on Poets.org, Michigan Literary Review, Agnes Scott Literary Journal, among others. She was nominated for a Best of the Net award in 2021. Her chapbook “Mirror Myths” was accepted for publication by Bottlecap Press in 2024.
Aside from writing, she co-led Salt Hill as editor-in-chief for 2022. She was a Stove Works resident, Meacham fellow for fall 2023, and Vermont Studio Resident as of Summer 2024.
Some Almosts: She was selected as a semi-finalist for the Cato fellowship 2024, Small Harbor Publishing's Marginalia Series 2024, Lighthouse Works fellowship 2024, and the Texas Press Review's Robert Phillips Poetry Chapbook Prize 2024; and a finalist for the Agnes Scott’s College Poetry Contest poetry contest in 2020.
Projects: In May 2024, she wrote and designed “An Ode to the Mirror,” a limited edition chapbook with Bruce Smith.
Presently: She currently lives in Charleston, SC revising her first manuscript and working on her second.
Some Almosts: She was selected as a semi-finalist for the Cato fellowship 2024, Small Harbor Publishing's Marginalia Series 2024, Lighthouse Works fellowship 2024, and the Texas Press Review's Robert Phillips Poetry Chapbook Prize 2024; and a finalist for the Agnes Scott’s College Poetry Contest poetry contest in 2020.
Projects: In May 2024, she wrote and designed “An Ode to the Mirror,” a limited edition chapbook with Bruce Smith.
Presently: She currently lives in Charleston, SC revising her first manuscript and working on her second.
updated 11.09.2024
graphic design projects
- reading partners collateral (October 2024 - present)
- limited edition showcase zine for breedlove and marigold readers literacy group (2024)
- JESSAMINE for carolina youth action project (2022)
- “a chronicle of hunger“ in passengers journal (2024)
- “being called names, a kind-of sonnet“ in spoken black girl magazine (2024)
- “black things, a series“ in michigan quarterly review (2024)
- “the altar mirror” in aunt chloe as the edith a. hambie poetry prize winner (2021)
- “note to self” and “oxtails” in aunt chloe (2021)
- “butchering a chicken: annotations from the cookbook” in stellium literary magazine (2021)
- “when he dies” in abolition feminism (2021)
- “me, at my first funeral” in agnes scott writers’ festival magazine (2019)
- “IIIIIII” for carolina youth action project’s teen showcase (2017)